Athos Display

A typography born as a tribute to the Brazilian painter, sculptor, draftsperson, and artist, Athos Bulcão. The letterforms and their dynamics draw inspiration from his iconic tile panels, breathing life into a monospaced typeface that, much like his art, enables a wide range of typographic compositions and patterns.

This font stands as an ode to the boundless creativity of Athos Bulcão.

Mural by Athos Bulcão, inspiration for typographic design
Athos Display used with kerning set in 0, allowing the creation of typographic designs and alluding to the behavior of Athos Bulcão's work.
M was the first letter drawn in the conception of the typography
Typographic panels
The letters, when combined, also form pictograms
Countless possibilities of patterns and writings
Typographic Panels

Duda di Pietro,
Eduardo Tallia

Motion Design

Everton Guilherme

Project Management

Laís Papi