This identity was created for the documentary series "Romário, O Cara", which showcases the story of Romário, one of soccer’s legendary number 11 players. It portrays his life from childhood to winning the World Cup, offering a deep dive into the 1990s backdrop in Brazil and globally. This era's political, economic, and social aspects are woven into the narrative, highlighting both the controversies and achievements of Romário, a complex Brazilian figure.
The series' visual identity blends elements of soccer, 1990s aesthetics, and Romário's unique character. We developed a typography in three different weights to reflect the series' core themes: Romário's iconic number 11, his journey towards the World Cup triumph, and his eventual success.
Duda di Pietro,
Eduardo Tallia
Marcus Prado,
Everton Guilherme
Yomar Augusto
Alvaro Franca
Laís Papi